Data System Reporting Options
In the online Data System, there are a variety of performance reports. Each view provides a slightly different analysis, but all are intended to allow educators to quickly identify students at risk and monitor progress over the course of the school year.
Dashboard Report
The Dashboard Report is the main report you see when Home is selected or when you have selected a district, school, class, or group.
- Screening Results– The numbers in each seasonal quadrant represent the total children in each Benchmark. The example below shows the Spring screening results for early literacy assessments. The green category shows how many students scored in the Tier 1 range, orange shows how many scored in the cut range, and red shows how many scored in the Tier II/III range. Gray shows how many students' tests were started, but not finished, and purple shows how many students have not yet completed an assessment in this screening window.
The current seasonal window is shown for each assessment. If you clicknext to an assessment, you can see data for other screening windows in this school year.
- Demographics– A summary of the student roster demographic characteristics, based on the student profile information.
Individual Report
This is what you see when you select an individual student.
- Screening and Progress Monitoring Results– Each dot represents a data entry point. A dot with a number represents a completed assessment and the score recorded; an empty gray dot means the student doesn't have a score for that measure and season. A gray dot with a score inside represents an Early Literacy score that was entered in the summer season, which doesn't have benchmarks available; we recommend entering these scores in the Spring season instead so those benchmarks are applied (this is not necessary for Early Numeracy). Click
next to a student's name to see progress monitoring scores. On the Individual Report you will be able to view/enter screening and progress monitoring results. Be sure to use the assessments as intended/instructed, as not all myIGDIs assessments are designed as progress monitoring tools.
Classroom Sub-Assessment Report
This is the report you see when you select a classroom, then one sub-assessment.
- General Overview– Score average and standard deviation statistics for students in the selected classroom by season.
- Student Scores– A list of students in the classroom with their season scores, color-coded to indicate their benchmark status, for the sub-assessment selected.
District and School Sub-Assessment Report
This is the report you see when you select a school or the district, then one sub-assessment.
- Average Scores for Sub-Assessment– The average score of students for each School/Classroom by the sub-assessment selected.
- Screening Results for Sub-Assessment– The number of students in each Benchmark across Schools/Classrooms by the sub-assessment selected.
myIGDIs iPad App Reporting Options
Classroom Data
- Class Table– Select the Menu icon in the upper left-hand corner of your screen, then select Class Data. By default, you'll be taken to the Class Table tab. Use the Select Filters option to select whether you'd like to view this data for English language learners only, Progress Monitoring students only, or to adjust the season. Once you've made your selections, select Apply Filters. To share the table, select Share This Table.
- Class Graph– Select the Menu icon in the upper left-hand corner of your screen, then select Class Data. Toggle to the Class Graph tab. Use the Change Filters option to adjust which type of data to include (such as ELL Status, etc). Once you've made your selections, select Apply Filters. To share this graph, select Share This Graph.
Note: In order to share a graph, you will need to have 3 data points available (for example, 3 screenings, or 1 screening and 2 progress monitoring scores).
Individual Graphs
Select the Menu icon in the upper left-hand corner of your screen, then select Individual Graphs. To customize this graph, use the Select Aim Line and Graph Options buttons above the graph. To share this graph, select Share This Graph.
Note: In order to share a graph you will need to have 3 data points available (for example, 3 screenings, or 1 screening and 2 progress monitoring scores).