The myIGDIs Profile of Preschool Learning and Development Readiness (ProLADR) was designed to provide teachers a rating scale for monitoring the growth and development of young children across multiple learning domains as they make their way through preschool towards kindergarten. The ProLADR is intended to be used alongside the myIGDIs Early Literacy and Early Numeracy assessments. Using these three tools in unison will provide teachers/caregivers a broad range of information, collected in a standardized fashion both formally and informally, for assessing the growth and development of preschool-aged children.
For detailed information about ProLADR, including background, domain information, administration information and guidelines, normative benchmarks, and technical adequacy, see the ProLADR Administration Manual.
Domains and Subdomains
ProLADR provides a snapshot of each student’s growing skills in six domains often assessed in preschool programs: Social & Emotional, Language & Literacy, Cognitive, Approaches to Learning, Physical & Motor, and Creativity & the Arts. Items are organized into the following developmental domains and subdomains:
Developmental Domains | Subdomains |
Social and Emotional Development | Emotional Development Self-Concept Peer-Related Social Competence and Relationships Adult-Related Social Competence and Relationships |
Language and Literacy Development | Receptive Language (Listening and Comprehension) Expressive Language Emergent Reading: Phonological Awareness Emergent Reading: Alphabetic Knowledge Emergent Writing |
Cognitive Development | Mathematical and Logical Thinking Scientific Thinking and Problem Solving Social Systems Understanding |
Physical and Motor Development | Gross Motor Fine Motor Physical Health and Well-Being |
Approaches to Learning Development | Curiosity Risk Taking Imagination and Invention Persistence |
Creativity and the Arts Development | Creating Responding |
Recommended Administration Windows
ProLADR is intended to be used three times during the academic year with preschool students in the two years before kindergarten: fall, winter, and spring.
Start Date | End Date | |
Fall | August 15 | November 14 |
Winter | November 15 | February 14 |
Spring | February 15 | May 14 |
Who Can Administer ProLADR?
We recommend that ProLADR be completed by teachers who know the child being rated and who spend at least 30% of the school day with the child over a period of at least 4 weeks (the time during which the ratings are done). Teachers and caregivers who meet these criteria are encouraged to work together on the assessment.
Administering ProLADR
ProLADR includes two types of items:
- First, teachers are asked to rate a child's skills based on observations of the child over a period of one calendar month. Take notes over the time period on the skills that the child demonstrates. Avoid finishing your ratings prematurely - a month gives the child many opportunities to demonstrate each rated skill. Do not use observations from a previous season to help your rating; all observations and ratings should be based on the current month. At the end of the month, review your notes and adjust ratings as needed. The ratings are on this scale:
Rating | Meaning |
0 | Child never demonstrates |
1 | Child demonstrates infrequently |
2 | Child demonstrates some of the time |
3 | Child demonstrates consistently |
n/a | No opportunity to observe the child demonstrating this skill |
Note: Scoring is based on the child's capacity to do the task, not necessarily on how often the child performs the task. For example, you may only observe a child do a task twice, but if both times the child did the task well, it would be appropriate to score a 3 because the child is consistently doing it. Observe for quality over quantity.
- Teachers also use the direct-prompt questions to determine whether a child has the capacity described in the question. These direct-prompt questions can be done at any time during the 1-month observation period. For the direct-prompt items, you will need the following:
- 10 small objects (e.g. crayons, blocks, etc.)
- A visually appealing picture book (e.g. The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Pete the Cat, etc.)
- Printed numerals 0-10, separated from one another and at least 1/2-inch high
- 3 objects of different sizes (small, medium, large), all small enough to hold in your hand
- 3 basic shapes (e.g. triangle, square, rectangle, circle)
- Scissors
- 10 blocks of the same size
- Objects to compare weight and length
For prompted skills, use these ratings:
Rating | Meaning |
0 | Child was unable to perform the skill |
1 or 2 | Child was able to partially perform the skill (scoring is unique for each item) |
3 | Child was able to perform the skill |
n/a | No opportunity to observe the child demonstrating this skill |
The teacher records ratings on the ProLADR Record Form based on what the child does and what the child can do. Items within subdomains are summed, and then the subdomain scores themselves are summed, leading to 6 domain scores. Scores can be added to the myIGDIs Data System if you have an active subscription.
Family Feedback Survey
Teachers also have the option of using the Family Survey of Preschool Learning and Development Readiness to get more information about family perspectives in key developmental areas and family interests, concerns, and resources. We recommend using the survey at the start and end of each preschool year. The tool can help support parent-teacher meetings. ProLADR results should also be shared with families using the Summary Report, which is at the end of the Record Form.
Normative Benchmarks
See the ProLADR Administration Manual for normative benchmarks at the 50th and 25th percentile. Domain scores above the 50th percentile indicate the child's performance in a domain is developing as expected. Scores between the 25th and 50th percentiles indicate that the child's performance in that domain warrants attention and monitoring, with careful attention to the possible need of early intervention. Scores below the 25th percentile indicate the child's performance in that domain is not at an expected level; further instructional/intervention support should be offered. The manual also provides more information about the normative sample.