There are two ways you can learn more about administering myIGDIs Early Numeracy assessments:
- Follow the instructions.
- For detailed administration instructions, including guidelines and prompts for each measure, refer to the myIGDIs Early Numeracy Administration Manual.
Planning Your Assessments
As you plan when and where to administer assessments, consider the following:
- Choose a quiet area with little distraction.
- Choose a time of day when the child is most likely to be engaged (not hungry or tired, for instance).
- For children who have trouble sitting for more than a short time, consider doing one assessment per day or allowing time between assessments.
- Plan the assessment order. The suggested order is:
- Oral Counting
- Number Naming
- Quantity Comparison
- 1-to-1 Correspondence Counting
Screening Measures
As shown in the table below, all four measures are recommended for screening in each season of the school year. The measures help you to determine which children need more intensive intervention.
Season | Screening Assessments |
Fall |
Winter |
Spring |
Progress Monitoring
For progress monitoring, administer assessments periodically, but no more than once every four weeks.
Administering Early Numeracy Assessments
Follow the instructions below to administer Early Numeracy assessments for:
Oral Counting
For Oral Counting, the child counts aloud in sequence (starting with 1) for 1 minute (or until they reach 100 if that happens first). This assessment has no sample items and no cards. You will need the Administration Manual, a timer, and the laminated score sheet.
Administering the Assessment
- Read the prompt from the Administration Manual to explain what you'd like the child to do.
- Tell the child to begin and start the timer (set for 1 minute). Nod or use the prompts during the assessment to encourage the child's counting as directed in the Administration Manual. Note any incorrect numbers on the scoring sheet as the child counts.
- Stop the assessment after 1 minute (or if the child reaches 100 before 1 minute elapses). Note the time - 60 seconds or the actual time if the child reached 100 before time was up. If the child reaches the highest number they can count to before 1 minute elapses and that number is less than 100, note the count and mark 60 seconds for the time.
Scoring Guidelines
- The child may only count in English. If the child begins counting in another language, stop the timer and ask the child to count in English. See the Administration Manual for additional guidance and prompts to use as needed.
- Based on the child's counting and any incorrect numbers, note how many consecutive correct numbers the child achieved. Using this information, calculate the Fluency Score using this formula:
Consecutive Numbers Correct × 60
Time in Seconds
Number Naming
For Number Naming, the child says the name of the number on each card in the flipchart for 1 minute. You will need the flipchart for Number Naming, a timer, and the laminated score sheet.
Administering the Assessment
- Read the prompt from the card flipchart (before the sample items).
- Start with the sample items; for each of the three cards, point to the number and say the name, reading the prompt for the two-digit number. Then, have the child name the same three numbers. See the prompts if the child needs encouragement or guidance. Regardless of whether the child answers the sample items correctly, go on to the test items.
- Now ask the child to name the remaining numbers. Start the timer and show the child each card. On the scoring sheet, draw a diagonal slash through each correct answer. See the Administration Manual for additional guidance if the child does not answer. If the child does not answer any items correctly in the first row of the score table, stop the assessment.
- When 1 minute has passed, or if the child answers all cards before 1 minute elapses, stop the assessment. If the child didn't answer all items, draw a bracket after the last item the child answered. Note the time taken and how many numbers the child named correctly.
Scoring Guidelines
- The child may only name numbers in English. If the child answers in another language, the first time, ask the child to tell you the name in English; score subsequent answers in other languages as incorrect.
- Calculate the Fluency Score using this formula:
Number Names Correct × 60
Time in Seconds
Quantity Comparison
For Quantity Comparison, on each card, the child points to the box that contains more circles. The child answers items for 1 minute. You will need the flipchart for Quantity Comparison, a timer, and the laminated score sheet.
Administering the Assessment
- Read the prompt from the card flipchart (before the sample items).
- Start with the three sample items. Answer the first item yourself. Then, ask the child to answer the next two items by pointing to the box with more circles on each card. Encourage the child with prompts as needed (see the Administration Manual). If the child answers both sample items incorrectly, stop the test and mark a score of 0.
- Now, using the prompt in the flipchart, ask the child to point to the box with more circles on each of the remaining cards. Start the timer, show the child each card, and note the correct answers. See the guidance if the child does not answer.
- When 1 minute has passed, or if the child answers all cards before 1 minute is up, stop the assessment; if the child did not answer all items, mark the last item answered. Note the time taken and the number of items answered correctly.
Scoring Guidelines
- Calculate the Fluency Score using this formula:
Correct Quantity Comparison Answers × 60
Time in Seconds
1-to-1 Correspondence Counting
For 1-to-1 Correspondence Counting, the child counts the circles on a card aloud while pointing to each circle. The child has 30 seconds to count all 20 circles. You will need the flipchart for 1-to-1 Correspondence Counting, a timer, and the laminated score sheet.
Administering the Assessment
- Read the prompt from the card flipchart (before the sample item).
- Start with the sample item. Read the prompt and count the four circles aloud as you point to them. Then, using the prompt in the flipchart, ask the child to point to each circle and count the circles aloud. If the child cannot count all four circles correctly after two attempts, enter a score of 0 and end the test. (See the Administration Manual for additional guidance as needed.)
- Turn to the next card. Using the prompt, ask the child to count the circles on the card. Start the timer for 30 seconds and tell the child to begin. Stop the test when 1) the child counts all items correctly in less than 30 seconds, 2) the child counts incorrectly at any point, or 3) 30 seconds have elapsed. Note how many circles the child counted correctly in sequence.
- For the time, mark 30 seconds unless the child counted all 20 circles correctly in less than 30 seconds - in that case, mark the actual time.
Scoring Guidelines
- The child may only count in English. If the child counts in another language, ask the child to count in English.
- Calculate the Fluency Score using this formula:
Total Circles Counted Correctly in Sequence × 30
Time in Seconds
Scoring Assessments
Early Numeracy assessments use a Fluency Score as described in the sections above. This is a modified raw score.
Once you calculate the Fluency Score for each assessment, refer to Early Numeracy Scoring and Benchmarks to identify where the score is in relation to the Lower Cut and Upper Cut and for more about the benchmarks associated with these cut scores.