Edit or Delete Students
From the left-hand navigation menu, under Manage, select Students.
This will generate a table/list view. The column at the very end of the table should read "Actions". Your options are Edit or Delete.
To transfer a student to a different class, select Edit for the student. Then, use the Select School and Select Classroom drop-down lists toward the center of the Edit Student form to change which School and/or Classroom the Student is assigned to.
You can also deactivate the selection using the toggle in the Status column. If you choose to deactivate the selection, it will be treated as though it were deleted until you reactivate the selection again; when you reactivate, the student's data will be shown again.
Edit or Delete Scores
When editing or deleting Scores, you have two options.
- Edit/Delete Scores One-by-One: Begin by selecting a student to see that student’s individual report. In the Screening and Progress Monitoring Results section, find the sub-test that you wish to edit/delete a score for. On the right side of the table you will see an Edit button for each row; click it for the assessment that you want to edit or delete a score for. A pop-up window will appear and allow you to add or modify your scores for the selected sub-test. Delete existing scores and dates as needed; you can also click Clear to remove all scores for the student. Then, enter the new scores and dates and click Save. Note: If you are adjusting an iPad score, you must enter the Raw Score (or Card Count). The Data System will then convert it to a Meaningful Scaled Score.
If you are editing Early Literacy scores assessments taken in summer, make sure those scores are in the Spring season (but with the correct summer assessment date) so that the spring benchmarks will be applied to the scores. If you are using bulk import for Early Literacy scores as described below, enter "Spring" as the season for summer scores. Early Numeracy assessments may be entered in the Summer season since those benchmarks are based on age in months rather than the season.
- Bulk Edit/Delete Scores: Begin by navigating to the Classroom that you want to edit/delete scores for. Once you're on the Classroom report, you will see a blue button in the upper right-hand corner of the dashboard, labeled Actions. Click it and then select Download Scores File. The browser will alert you that you have a new file downloaded.
Next, open the file – an Excel (.xls) document. The spreadsheet will contain all the scores for the students in the selected classroom. Edit or remove scores from the spreadsheet as necessary. Save the file under a name and location easily identifiable to you. Go back to your browser. Make sure you are still logged into your myIGDIs Data System account. Navigate back to the classroom you are making changes to. Find the Actions button again. This time click Upload Scores File. A pop-up window will open. Click Choose File, find and select the file, and then click Upload. The changes you made to the scores should now appear. If there were any errors during the process, you will be notified with alert messages. If this occurs, make the necessary adjustments to the file, resave it, and re-upload it. Duplicate scores will not be created.