Adding Students
Before attempting to add students to your account, please be sure to verify the number of available Student Seats you have remaining on your account. If you need additional Student Seats, contact our sales team.
When creating a new Student, you have three options:
- Add Students One-by-One: Begin by clicking Students on the left-hand navigation bar. Next, click the Add New Student button. Enter the student's information and assign them to a School and Classroom.
- Keep Students from Previous Year: If you have students from a previous school year, you will have the option of carrying those students into the new school year. Begin by clicking Students on the left-hand navigation bar. Next, click the Add Students from Last Year button. Mark the students you wish to carry forward. Then click the Add to Current Year button. You will be given the option to reassign those students to a new classroom.
- Bulk Import Students: Begin by navigating to the Classroom that you want to add students to. Once you're on the Classroom report, you will see a blue button in the upper right-hand corner of the dashboard labeled Actions. Click and then select Download Students File.
The browser will alert you that you have a new file downloaded. Next, open the file – an Excel (.xls) document. Populate the spreadsheet with your student roster information. Take note of which fields are required and which are optional. Date of Birth is a required field, but when you upload your data file, it will need to be formatted as text. To ensure it will upload correctly, add a column to your original spreadsheet where you're pulling data from (not the file you downloaded from the IGDIs site). In a cell of the new column, enter =TEXT(A1,"mm/dd/yyyy"). Note that A1 is an arbitrary value. Whatever cell contains the student's birthday (from the same row) is the cell that should appear where A1 is in the formula. Copy the formula for all rows of data. The correct date of birth and formatting should now be in your original data file. Next, highlight all rows of data from your next column, copy it, then "paste special" into the myIGDIs spreadsheet (choosing "Values Only").
Important: You will need to download a new Student File for each Classroom. Do not re-use or re-format templates. And be sure to follow the instructions listed in Rows 2 and 3 of the Excel template. Data field validations apply.
When you create a new student, some information fields are required. Others are either recommended or optional.
- Required fields: First name, Last name, Student ID #, and Date of birth.
- Recommended fields: English Language Learner status, Free/Reduced Lunch status, and IFSP/IEP/IIIP status.
- Optional fields: Age Group, Attendance Type, Home Language, and Ethnicity.
Adding Scores
When adding Scores, you have two options.
- Add Scores One-by-One: Begin by navigating to a student's individual report. In the Screening and Progress Monitoring Results section, find the sub-test that you wish to add a score to. Along the right-hand side of the table you will see an Edit button; click it. A pop-up will appear and allow you to add/modify your scores for the selected sub-test. If you are adding a new score, be sure to enter the Date of Administration as well. This is a required field. Click Save when finished.
If you are entering an Early Literacy score for an assessment in summer, be sure to enter it in the Spring season (but with the correct summer assessment date) so that the spring benchmarks will be applied to the score. If you are using bulk import for Early Literacy scores as described below, enter "Spring" as the season for summer scores. Early Numeracy assessments may be entered in the Summer season since those benchmarks are based on age in months rather than the season.
- Bulk Import Scores: Begin by navigating to the Classroom that you want to add scores to. Once you're on the Classroom report, you will see a blue button in the upper right-hand corner of the dashboard labeled Actions. Click it and then select Download Scores File.
The browser will alert you that you have a new file downloaded. Next, open the file – an Excel (.xls) document. Populate the spreadsheet with your student test data. Save the file under a name and location easily identifiable to you. Go back to your browser. Make sure you are still logged into your myIGDIs Data System account. Navigate back to the classroom you are importing scores to. Find the Actions- button again. This time click Upload Scores File. A pop-up will appear. Click Choose File, find and select the file, and then click Upload. Your scores should now appear. If there were any errors during the process, you will be notified with alert messages. If this occurs, make the necessary adjustments to the file, resave it, and re-upload it. Duplicate scores will not be created.
IMPORTANT – You will need to download a new Score File for each Classroom. Do not re-use or re-format templates. And be sure to follow the instructions listed in Rows 2 and 3 of the Excel template. Data field validations apply.
When you create a new score(s), some information fields are required. Others are either recommended or optional.
- Required fields: Date and Score – although it is not required to enter date and score on all rows.
- Date must be in the format of mm/dd/yyyy.
- Score must be numeric. "n/a" is also acceptable – indicating the test was discontinued.