Account Configuration
Upon purchase, we will create an online account for your District Admin. Once your District Admin receives an email from us to create a password, you can begin setting up your account. Accounts are designed for district-wide implementation. This means each account can have multiple sub-account users. If your district already has an account, you’ll need to contact your District Admin who can add you to the system.
It is important that you are careful in setting up your organization's account the first time. It may take time to get your account configured initially, but afterwards it will require less maintenance. Below is the process for configuring your organization's account.
Confirm Seats Available
At the top of the User Dashboard, on the cyan-colored strip, you should see "____ available seats out of ____ seats purchased". This will tell you how many seats have been activated. If it reads "… 0 seats purchased" you will need to place an order.
Create Schools
All District Admins have access to add Schools to the District’s account. Since most districts/organizations have multiple schools, you will have the ability to add as many schools as you need.
- Begin by clicking Schools on the left-hand navigation bar.
- Next, click the Add School button.
- Assign the School Name and type and click Save. If the process was completed successfully, you will now see the school in the List of Schools.
Create Classrooms
All District and School Admins have access to add Classrooms to the District’s account. Since a school will likely have multiple classrooms, you will have the ability to add as many classrooms as you need. Note that each Classroom Administrator can only have one classroom. Use the Groups feature to separate students into AM/PM groups, for example.
- Begin by clicking Classrooms on the left-hand navigation bar.
- Next, click the Add Classroom button.
- Assign the Classroom Name (and the school if necessary) and click Save. If the process was completed successfully, you will now see the class in the List of Classrooms.
Create Users
Depending on your Admin status, you can grant a staff/team member access to the account by adding a new user. Note there are three types of users:
- District Admin
- School Admin
- Classroom Admin
A District Admin will be able to view the district's full account, a School Admin can view their school, and a Classroom Admin can view their class. As you move down the admin hierarchy, users will have a reduced number of features and increased privacy restrictions. To add users:
- Click Users on the left-hand navigation bar.
- Next, click the Add User button.
- Enter the individual's name, email and assign them a User Role (District Admin/School Admin/Classroom Admin).
If you select School Admin, you must assign the new user to a School from the drop-down provided.
If you select Classroom Admin, you must assign the new user to a School & Classroom from the drop-downs provided. - Click Save. If the process was completed successfully, you will now see the user in the User List and they will be sent an automated email with instructions for setting their login password. If they do not receive an email, please ask them to check their spam folder.
Edit Account Settings
From the left-hand navigation menu, under Manage, select what you wish to edit (Schools/Classrooms/Users). This will generate a table/list view. The column at the very end of the table should read "Actions." Your options are Edit or Delete. You can also select the Active icon in the Status column to deactivate an item. If you choose to deactivate the item, it will be treated the same as though it were deleted, except with the option to restore it again in the future.
District Profile (for District Admins only)
In the upper-right hand corner, click the District Admin label (along the cyan-colored strip at the top of the dashboard). Then click Edit Profile. Here you will be able to edit your personal information, change your password, and edit your District Name and Organization Information.